Monday, December 19, 2011

This is my morning so far. Well, this and baking two different batches of cookies for Christmas gifts that I MUST get shipped out by tomorrow. I am hardly close to being finished. Olive, Caleb and I are going to have to make a run to the store to pick up: vanilla, graham crackers, glass dispensers, parchment paper and pumpkin. Don't ask. hahaha. Remember those close friends I spoke about previously who are leaving to move to Japan? One of them leaves today, and he will be greatly missed. I'm glad our family and his newly made family were able to grab dinner this week to catch up before his long leave. Saying goodbye is never easy, so let's just call this a 'see you later' kind of deal. :)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

One of my favorite things is catching up with friends. Husband, daughter and I had the chance to have lunch with two of our best friends today, and it was so nice seeing them. With busy busy schedules on both ends, us being parents and Caleb working nights, them being in school and wrapping up school, we just haven't had as much time to see each other. A new season is approaching us though, and and I believe we'll be seeing a lot more of all of our close friends, which warms my heart because I love them so. We're squeezing in a lot of friend time between this week and next week, lots of exciting things in the life of a Gray. Some we will be saying goodbye to, at least for a little while (we love you Mac), and others we just want to share the love that is our life. The photo above is basically my everyday; a silly (almost) two year old who always knows how to make me smile.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

we're never letting go

One of my favorite things about being a mom, is watching my daughter and husband together. To know that he has so much love being thrust upon him by the both of us overwhelms me, because he certainly deserves it. I take delight in the little moments in my day, when I can watch them play, or read a book, or play guitar together (Olive tries at least). Those moments are what define all our other moments, because before we know it, she will be grown up and we won't get to have those moments anymore. Sure, we will still have special moments together, but not like these, where she is so in love with us as her parents, and we can do no wrong. When I see her stare into her daddy's eyes and know that to her, he is perfect, I can't think of anything better. So, it's moments like these that I cherish, and will continue to cherish throughout my days. She is our love letter to one another. Not one that I can fold up and put into a box and save for another time, but one I get to look at and be a part of every day. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. This is what living's for.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

bells on the express

Today Olive and I had an adventure on the "polar express" or so we are calling it. A local transportation museum does train rides, while playing the polar express, while my daughter wears her new owl pajamas. These were meant to be a christmas present, but hey, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to let her wear them on her special train ride. The "conductor" gave them little handmade bells for them to shake along with the festive songs. Olive was in love.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


I'm packing our suitcases now for a much needed and long awaited beach trip. We leave tomorrow for Topsail Island, and I can already feel the wind in my hair. I cannot wait to see Olive running on the beach, and to see the seagulls fly around us. To hear the waves rolling in as we drift off into a world that we'd love to always be in. What is your favorite part about the beach?

This morning I made my famous Sunday waffles for my family before we leave for the beach in the morning. These are Olive's favorite thing in the world; she usually eats about 4.

I look forward to sharing our experiences at the beach with you all, as well as pictures and memories. Until then :)

an owl for my owl.

After a long day of sewing each "feather" by hand, I finally finished Olive's owl costume for Halloween. It turned out as I'd hoped, but I'm still trying to figure out a solution for a head part of the costume because there is no way she will wear a mask.

Here's the completed costume:

Friday, October 21, 2011

Keep your eyelids up for many posts to come. They will vary from recipes, to photographs, to me simply writing. I look forward to sharing my thoughts and life with you guys, and thank you for reading. Good night.